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News > Archives & History > Historical Bench in the Boardroom

Historical Bench in the Boardroom

As part of our aim to get the current pupils (future ODs) more involved in the OD Union we have invited the school societies to make use of our facilities for their bi-weekly, hour-long sessions. 
Two matric pupils presenting on the breakup of former Yugoslavia.
Two matric pupils presenting on the breakup of former Yugoslavia.
As part of our aim to get the current pupils (future ODs) more involved in the OD Union we have invited the school societies to make use of our facilities and to reach out to the OD network for presenters of their bi-weekly, hour-long sessions. 

On Wednesday 10 April The Historical Bench met to discuss the breakup of the former Yugoslavia. The meeting was led by two Grade 12s who are passionate about their subject. They are Duncan Edelstein and Karl Weinert who showed a PowerPoint with explanations. It was explained how through the devolution of power the former region became six separate states which exist today.

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