Melanie Herman visited the Museum on Tuesday 16 April 2019 to enquire about details of an OD that fell in WWII. James Tzamtzis was at Bishops between the years 1929 – 1932. After being married at Bishops to Miss Marsden, he joined as a 2
nd Lieutenant in the SAAF. He was killed in action on 4 July 1942 in East Africa. He was reported missing until the plane in which he had been shot down, and his body, were found on 9 January 1943. He was survived by his wife, parents Mr and Mrs C Tzamtzis and his brother Christie (Christos). The DC Magazine of April 1943 reports that the plane in which James perished was found on 9 Jan 1943 near Sattmao Peak not far from Aberdares in Kenya. James’ name appears on the Roll of Honour at the War Memorial Theatre. James’ brother also went to Bishops, he was Christos Tzamtzis who attended College between the years 1928 – 1932. He died on 13 June 1974 survived by his mother Anastasia and wife Daphne and two sons Constantine and Ian.
Christel de Wit at and Melanie Herman at are currently undertaking important historical research and should you perhaps have details on either James or Christos, plse could you send it to her and our archives would appreciate receiving such information.