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News > Archives & History > Dr Jeffrey Murray of UCT visits the Museum

Dr Jeffrey Murray of UCT visits the Museum

Dr Satchel's Latin Scholarship appeals to the Section Head of Classics at UCT.
Dr Murray views a photograph of Dr Sally Satchel
Dr Murray views a photograph of Dr Sally Satchel
Today Dr Jeffrey Murray the Section Head of the UCT Classics Department visited Bishops to research more on Dr Solly Satchel.  Dr Satchel was well-known as a scholar who taught History and Latin at Bishops.  Ironically, Dr Satchel's career was the other way around from the normal progression that educators make in their career-paths.  After serving as a Trooper from England in the SA War of 1899-1902, Satchel became an Inspector of Schools which he did until 1917.  He then became the Headmaster of Kimberley Boy's High School, which he did from 1918 -1928.  At 60 years of age, he came to Bishops where he taught for another 20 years, retiring from teaching at the age of 80!  He continued to serve the school in an administrative capacity for a few more years after that.  Together with Professor Rollo of UCT, Dr Satchel edited a selection of 'Ovid's Metamorpheses'.  It was published as a 1st edition in 1931.  On 30 June 1950 UCT awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Literature on Oscar Jon Soley 'Solly' Satchel.  It was the Dean of the Faculty of Arts at UCT, Professor W Rollo that bestowed the honours on Dr Satchel on the occasion.  Bishops has been fortunate to receive donations of items relating to Solly Satchel, from his two grandchildren, Heather Sargeant and Jean Luger.  These include a copy of the Ovid, a photograph of the graduation where Dr Satchel is receiving the Hon Doctorate, and other important documents about him/written by him.    

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