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News > Archives & History > Bishops Then & Now

Bishops Then & Now

Thank you to Donald Fraser Bett (FH 1966) for sending in this incredible aerial photo of the Bishops Estate (we think it's of the early 1960s).
Aerial Photo of Bishops in the Early Sixties
Aerial Photo of Bishops in the Early Sixties
Thank you to Dodald Fraser Bett (Founders 1966) for sending in this incredible aerial photograph of the Bishops Estate of the sixties.

Donald wrote in: "As promised I’ve attached aerial photos of Bishops taken by Matter & Weich studios, which were located in the Union Castle Building at that time.
I’m not sure when this photo was taken, however Dr Murray has the same original donated by the late David Charles, a Founders contemporary of mine (1966). Paul may have made a record of when it was taken. I think it could have been in 1970 or a bit later. (Paul Murray has subsequently added the following - "Andy Selfe has written in providing evidence that the photograph is probably of the 1960s, e.g. the Housemaster's House in FH was added in 1968 and it's not in the Matter & Weich photo ... Andy also provides further reasons for the photograph to be from then, and probably early 1960 - thank you to Andy!").
I hope this helps. It may be interesting to compare the recent aerial taken by Jean Tresfon and this one. (see below)
I’m busy digitizing a whole lot of slides that I have taken of Bishops on various visits over the years since 1966. Once I’ve completed them I’ll save them onto a DVD and drop it off when I’m next in Cape Town..." (Paul Murray the Archivist writes - "Thank you Donald this is highly valued and will be received by the Archives with great appreciation").


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